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Lookup Volunteers

The following people are willing do lookups. Beside each person's name is the publication, index, or database in which they are willing to do a lookup.

Feel free to request a lookup from any of the following. Please limit your request to one name per request.Please put  Sandoval County Lookup in the subject line of your request to ensure the message is not overlooked or accidently deleted. In the first line ofthe message please put the name of the item you are requesting the lookup in.

Also, if you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time.

We need your help as a lookup volunteer.
Do you have access to any books, publications, indexes, census, or other genealogical material relating to Sandoval County in which you would be willing to do lookups?

Angela Lewis

Researching the Gurule surname? Please visit my web site http://www.gurulefamily.org and you'll find 13 generations of descendants from Jacques Grolet (Santiago Gurule) and Elena Gallegos, and lots of source material (census, baptism, marriage) for the Gurule surname.

I am willing to do lookups in the following books. Your request must include the title of the book and dates (or at least your best guess since most are in chronological order). The more information you provide with your request, the better I can do lookups for you.